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Remote Programming

Remote programming can be done on most devices connected to the the Polar Gateway. The remote programming feature is only available to Technicial user roles. For info on how to change your user role please click (here)

How to get there: 

To get to the programmings Tab, Navigate to the appropriate device in your device list and open its dashboard. 

Once in its dashboard navigate useing the tabs at the top of the screen to the “Programming” tab. 


Programming Tab

Programming Modbus Registers

One can use the top set of blocks to read and write Modbus registers directly to the device connected to the Gateway. This can be done by entering the required register into the register window, chosing the appropriate modbus data type and command type and pressing the READ Button. 

This will the read that specific register from the device and return the reading into the Value window. 

If the value needs to be changed then change the value in the value window to the required number and press the WRITE Button to write to that specific register in the register window. 

Modbus Registers List 

For a number of the intergrated devices on the Polar Portal we have included a full Modbus registers list table that can be viewed and used to find the specific register that is required. 

Using the search function find the appropriate register and use the Select button to choose to read it. This will then query the device for that specific chosen register. It can then be manipulated in the top Program parameters window. 


When registers are writen to, the Polar Portal records what was changed, who changed it and when it was changed. This list can be found at the bottom of the page under programming history. 

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