Editing Users
This guide will take you through edditing existing users information on the Polar Portal. This is for when users have already been added and permissions or other details need to be edited.
To begin navigate to the users section by clicking on either users on the home screen, or by navigating to the top right Kebab menu and clicking users.
![Navigate to users](https://www.polarmonitoring.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Screenshot-2023-07-17-144040-1024x249.png)
Once in the users page navigate to appropriate use and press the edit pencil next to the user you wishing to edit.
This will open up the edit user window:
![User information](https://www.polarmonitoring.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Edit-User-Info.png)
Here one can now edit the various functions of the system including:
- User roles
- Subscriptions
- other user info
Once the user info is set, press SAVE to save the changes to the user.
Note: User role changes will only take effect on relogging into the system. Navigate to the top right kebab menu and log out and log back in for the change to take effect.