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Poll Rates

Poll rates on the Polar Portal are how often or frequent the Polar system requests data from the Polar Gateways in the field. 

These rates can be adjusted in the edit tile function on the Live Dashboard per device. 

These are configurable in minutes and should be set for each individual data point to give the resolution required. 

Poll rates and the understanding of them are vital to the opperation of the Polar Portal to get the most out of your remote monitoring system. 

Minumum Poll Rates 

Minimum or the fastest poll rates available on the Polar Portal are 5min. 

Default Poll Rates 

The default polling rate is 30min on all device types and data tiles. 

Where to change Poll Rates

Poll rates can be changed by the following steps:

  1. Navigating to the appropriate devices live page
  2. Click on the edit pencil
  3. Find the appropraite data tile you wish to change and click on its cog / edit button
  4. Scroll down to the poll rates section 
  5. Edit the Poll rate
  6.  Save the configuration 


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