Serial Communication Setup using DSE Configuration Suite
This guide will show you how to setup the serial communication parameters for any DSE generator controller that that user RS-485 Modbus protocol. The device used in the guide is a 7320 genset, however the process is the same for any other DSE device.
Note: The guide assumes you got the controller correctly wired to power on the device.
Steps to follow:
- What you need.
- Change the Serial Communication Settings.
1. What you need.
Make sure to have:
- USB Male Type A to USB Male Type B converter.
- The genset controller and a PC/Laptop.
- DSE Configuration Suite installed.
1. USB Male Type A to USB Male Type B Converter.
2. The Genset controller.
Make sure to have the generator controller’s power wires correctly wired. Then power on device and connect the USB Type B plug side connected to the device, and the USB Type A plug side connected to your PC/Laptop.
3. DSE Configuration Suite Installed.
Download and install the DSE Configuration Suite, to access the download link of the software you first have to login or register to the Deep Sea Electronics site. To get the link clicking here… This guide will not take you through the installation process of the Configuration Suite, however it is a fairly simple process and there is good information on the internet to guide you through that.
Once you got the software installed, launch the software and get ready to configure the device.
2. Change the Serial Communication Settings.
Steps to follow:
- Read the device’s configuration.
- Go to communications settings.
- Go to Basic Settings.
1. Read the device's configuration.
Once you correctly have the DSE connected to the computer via USB and got the DSE Config Suite running, read the configuration of the device by clicking to the the button in the red rectangle.
2. Go to communications settings.
Click on the Communications link under the devices configurations settings.
3. Go to Basic Settings.
Click on the Basic link under Communications settings and make sure to change the default settings to reflect the table below.
Serial Communication Setup
Name | Description | Default | Required |
Slave ID | RS-485 Slave ID | 10 | 1 |
Baud Rate | Baud Rate | 19200 | 9600 |
Port Usage | Communication protocol | No Modem | RS485 |